Bayraklı Mansuroğlu Mah. 288/4. Sk. No: 9/1 Bayraklı, İzmir / Turkey
Slimming with the modern method

The gastric balloon is a cutting-edge and successful weight loss technique. Additionally, it marks the beginning of a protracted change to a happier, healthier lifestyle. Our surgeon, Serkan Tugen, provides a thorough introduction prior to the initiation of Gastric Balloon. This briefing covers balloon insertion, specific nutrition guidelines, and ongoing team supervision.

The goal of gastric balloon therapy is to lose the most weight while also doing all in its power to keep it off over the long term. To achieve the finest outcomes after your treatment, you should take charge of your activities and new eating habits, maintain your weight reduction progress, and keep up the new lifestyle you’ve established for yourself.

gastric balloon

Who are Ideal Candidates for Gastric Ballon?

Patients looking for non-surgical alternatives to weight loss surgery are the best candidates for a gastric balloon.

Those who have obesity and have tried unsuccessfully to shed weight in the past using other methods may benefit most from this therapy.

How Does the Gastric Balloon Work?

The gastric balloon helps you lose weight in a variety of ways. The first step is to limit how much food your stomach can hold. The gastric balloon takes up about half of the usual stomach volume of 1.5 L. Your stomach can now hold food in around 60% of it.

The second is that the gastric balloon basically slows the movement of food and liquids through your stomach by preventing their free passage. As a result, you will feel fuller more quickly.

Gastric Ballon Procedure Steps


Preparation and Consultation
In the initial step, our professional will devote enough time to gathering thorough information during your initial meeting. Your medical history and measurements will be taken by our surgeon to determine whether you are a good candidate for this treatment. Additionally, the general surgeon will assess your cardiovascular and diabetic risk factors.


You will choose the type of sedation and anesthetic along with our doctor. As a result, you won’t feel any discomfort while the treatment is being done.


Placement of the balloon
For the process to go smoothly, you must cease drinking and eating for 12 hours beforehand. You could reduce the procedure’s aftereffects in this way.

By means of your mouth and esophagus and right into your stomach, our surgeon inserts the deflated balloon. With the endoscopic camera, the surgeon can first examine your stomach. If there are no anomalies that would interfere with the procedure, the doctor then proceeds to place the device.


Swallowing process
To numb the area around your throat at this point, our doctor may apply a spray topically. As soon as the balloon is properly positioned in the stomach, our specialist uses a tiny filling catheter introduced into the balloon to immediately fill it with sterile saline. Then, by gently pushing on the catheter’s outside, the doctor removes it. The balloon automatically shuts because the valve is self-sealing. Since the full balloon is too big to fit through your gut, it floats unabated inside your stomach.


The process can take anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes, but this is the norm. As a result, you won’t be able to eat or drink as much during meals and will have a false impression of being full.

How to Remove Gastric Balloon ?

Innovative materials that are kind to the human body and unaffected by gastric fluids for at least a year make up a gastric balloon. To ensure complete safety for use, it should be removed after 6 to 8 months.

The risk that the building material will automatically decay and deflate grows as it stays in the stomach longer. Later, it can penetrate the intestine distantly and result in obstructive ileus. If you don’t quite succeed in achieving your weight loss objective, set a new one. The gastric balloon is removed while the patient is sedated or under anaesthetic.

With the aid of a specialized sclerotherapy needle, our doctor punctures the rubber balloon, and the specialist then uses negative pressure to drain the entire contents. Then the expert uses a special gripping device to grab the balloon. Now that the balloon is empty, the surgeon carefully takes it out of the patient’s mouth.

Recovery After Gastric Balloon Procedure

Following the gastric balloon surgery, you must adhere to the following during the recovery period:

Gastric Balloon Results in Healthy Life Clinic

Results from the gastric balloon procedure will soon be seen. The gastric balloon is not a miracle cure and cannot cure you on its own. You will achieve the desired outcome by adhering to our professionals’ weight reduction program and wishing to enhance your quality of life.


Surgery is not what a gastric balloon operation is. The endoscopic technique involves inserting a balloon into the stomach.

There are known side effects, which include complaints like nausea and vomiting. These symptoms often go away by the end of the third day. You will be given the required medications by the doctor so that you can spend this time more securely and comfortably.

The weight loss and obesity therapy procedure using gastric balloons doesn't include surgery. Endoscopy is used to apply the gastric balloon, and the patient is anticipated to reach the desired weight. There is a risk of explosion in patients because it is inserted by endoscopy into the patient's stomach. Due to its structure, there is no possibility of explosion. The construction of gastric balloons, which are created in accordance with the stomach's acidic composition, is particularly robust. There is, however, an extremely tiny chance of perforation.

The patient is informed if the gastric balloon is punctured by the change in urine color to blue. In case of any complications, the patient's urine turns blue, providing a window of opportunity for intervention because it contains physiological saline and is produced in a blue tint. When such a circumstance arises, the patient consults the physician, and the required tests are conducted. Endoscopy is used to remove the gastric balloon from the stomach if there is any risk associated with the punctured balloon.

The use of a gastric balloon during obesity surgery is a technique utilized on patients who desire to shed extra pounds in accordance with their body mass index. It is a powerful method of weight loss that does not involve surgery. By inserting a balloon filled with liquid or gas into the stomach endoscopically, a specific portion of the stomach is filled. Due to the fact that the stomach balloon fills the stomach, it's possible for the patient to feel full, making it simple to lose weight swiftly by dieting. Pregnant women should not use gastric balloons to address their obesity. Obesity should be treated prior to conception rather than being fought during pregnancy.

Patients who wish to become pregnant but complain about their weight at this point are advised to obtain a gastric balloon. The health of both the mother and the unborn child is at risk when the mother is overweight during pregnancy. When food and exercise are insufficient for weight loss, different therapy modalities are tested in accordance with the weight level by examining the body mass index. The endoscopic approach can be used if the required weight level qualifies for the application of gastric balloons or stomach botulinum toxin. Pregnancy is not negatively impacted by these weight loss techniques. Instead, after making significant weight loss, the patient may be able to conceive in a healthier manner.

The gastric balloon procedure, used to treat obesity, offers rapid and successful weight loss for overweight people who are unable to lose weight with diet and exercise. Depending on whether it contains liquid or air and whether the volume can be adjusted, it is classified into many categories. There are several different kinds of gastric balloons:

  • 6 months or 12 months
  • Filled with liquid or air
  • Silicone
  • Fixed or variable volume

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