Bayraklı Mansuroğlu Mah. 288/4. Sk. No: 9/1 Bayraklı, İzmir / Turkey
Slimming with the modern method

Gastric bypass is a surgical intervention aimed at achieving weight loss, which individuals can opt for in the case of obesity. You can pick the obesity surgery treatment gastric bypass to lose weight. Your stomach is cut into little and large parts during this process. As a result, your stomach pouch will only receive a small amount of food, and satiety will set very rapidly. Your small intestine bypasses it concurrently, and the pancreas and gallbladder’s digestion juices reach the food considerably later.

Because of this, a large portion of the nutrients and calories you consume pass through your body undigested.

In Turkey, gastric bypass surgery is frequently carried out laparoscopically (via incisions in the body). You will consequently feel discomfort and difficulties. Additionally, you’ll spend less time in the hospital.

Who are Ideal Candidates for Gastric Bypass?

Not all obese people in Turkey can benefit from gastric bypass surgery. This is a necessary surgery that comes with a lot of risks and side effects and necessitates a big shift in your way of life. It’s crucial to know what to expect and what changes you’ll need to make in your life before deciding to have surgery. The procedure’s outcome is primarily dependent on you.

By enhancing your look and mobility and curing numerous health issues, a gastric bypass treatment can dramatically enhance your quality of life if you are overweight. Several obesity-related disorders can be cured by obesity surgery:

Gastric Bypass Procedure Steps

Preparation and Consultation After surgery, if you don’t stick to the food and exercise plan advised by our doctor, your stomach will stretch and your weight may come back. Consequently, the procedure will not be successful. You must thus strictly adhere to all instructions given by one of our specialists during the preparation stage. Prior to the procedure, our surgeon conducts an evaluation to reduce the possibility of complications. The surgeon then uses a little camera to check the stomach cavity. Blood tests and an EKG can also be necessary. One week before to surgery, eliminate alcohol and sweets from your diet. In collaboration with your doctor, reduce your oil consumption and cease taking medications that interfere with blood coagulation.
Anesthesia Under general anesthesia, laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is performed using 1 cm-long microincisions rather than abdominal cavity dissection. As a result, the operation won’t hurt and will be comfortable for you.
Incision The doctor places a laparoscope inside the stomach. The doctor then separates the stomach into two sections, the upper section being little and the lower section being huge. Our specialist removes the lower leg’s duodenum from the digestive system. Thus, this is where the process of fat absorption happens. Connected to the top portion of the stomach is the small intestine. The lower portion of the stomach and the 12 duodenal apertures are then preserved as the doctor securely stitches from above. Bile is able to physically exit the body through this, and pancreatic juice, which aids in food digestion, enters the small intestine.

At this point, the surgeon removes the surgical tools and stitches the tiny incisions. The operation is finished when the doctor puts a sterile dressing.

Recovery After Gastric Bypass

  • By the end of the first day, you will have already moved independently into the hospital ward. Our doctor will advise medicines for any post-operative pain you might experience.
  • On the first day, you can consume water. You can eat pureed soups with broth and drink juices and other beverages like milk on the second day. Vegetable purees, yogurt, cooked cereals, and foods diced in a blender are allowed starting on the third day.
  • We advise consuming only foods high in essential nutrients because the quantity of your meal is severely constrained and your diet is low in calories.
  • To prevent huge chunks from obstructing the passage from your stomach into the intestines, you must chew your food thoroughly and slowly. To aid in the evacuation of the contents of the digestive tract, you must consume at least 6 to 8 glasses of water or unsweetened beverages. It would be best if you sipped carefully, 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after eating.
  • After two months, you can start eating solid meals. Alcohol, fizzy beverages, sweets, and fatty meals should all be cut out of your diet during this process.
  • To maintain your weight one month following the procedure, you should engage in daily exercise that lasts at least 30 minutes.

Gastric Bypass Results

Gastric bypass surgery will result in extremely quick weight loss. In the initial months following gastric bypass, you will lose weight rapidly. In the first five months following surgery, individuals typically experience appetite loss, according to studies. To avoid feeling ill, weak, and maybe losing some of your hair at this time, it’s crucial to consume the recommended amounts of calories, protein, and vitamins.

You must adhere to the nutritional advice that our dietitian has provided you. Your chances of succeeding in your weight loss objectives rise if you adhere to our plan following surgery. You need protein to preserve muscle mass because your goal is to burn fat, not build muscle. Within the first nine months, Turkey will witness the effects of a gastric bypass.

Keep in mind that the goal of the procedure is to improve your health, lengthen your life expectancy, and lessen the issues brought on by diseases associated to obesity rather than to reduce your weight below the average.

Gastric Bypass How Much?

Compared to many other nations, gastric bypass surgery in Turkey is incredibly reasonable, even though prices vary depending on the surgeon, location, anesthesia, and surgical techniques. For pricing on gastric bypass surgery in Turkey, get in touch with us right away.

The quickest way to get in contact is to telephone +90 542 109 19 12

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